Savanna Biome
The savanna is a type of grasslands biome. The savanna is sometimes called the tropical grasslands.
Climate 61°F. In dry season is 93 °F
Place Africa, Australia, India and South America
Biotic Lions, leopard, deers, crocodiles, vultures, cheetah, kangaroos, palm trees, pine trees, shrubs
Impact human on Savanna:
impact the Grassland Savanna by lessening the area of the land by making new
space for industrialization.
Humans haven caused a lot of changes to the landscape of and the animals in
grasslands since a long time ago.
•Large areas of
grassland have been turned into farmlands for growing crops and for rearing
•Causes removal of
vegetation cover, overgrazing, uncontrolled fuel wood collection, hard farming
practice and loss of fertile soil and excessive tree felling.
animals of the savanna are endangered due to overhunting and loss of habitat.
animals migrate out of the savanna during the dry season.
animals in the savanna, like vultures and hyenas, are scavengers which eat
other animal's kills.
African savanna boasts the largest land animal, the elephant, and the tallest
land animal, the giraffe.
baobab tree can live for thousands of years.
savanna has the highest biodiversity of herbivore animals of any biome.
of the animals in the savanna have long legs which helps them when migrating
long distances.
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